Choosing the right colors for your brand identity reflects your business’s personas and can impact a consumer’s recognition.
Colors of a brand are one of its most crucial elements. Choosing the right colors for your logo, website, and other brand elements can be perplexing and time-consuming. It’s essential to spend the time and energy to research and choose the colors that best represent your brand. Colors play a pivotal role in the success of some businesses and can make a huge impact on their revenue.
An Introduction to Brand Colors
Creating a brand identity is one of the most important elements when starting your own business and promoting products. Brand identity distinguishes your business from others, with elements such as design and color. A color palette is an essential component of brand identity and will make your brand recognizable to consumers through websites, blog posts, social media campaigns, and promotional content.
A color palette is a set of colors that represents the brand personality. It is used in all aspects of visible work within your business, such as your logo, website, business cards, campaigns, and more. The choice of colors within your business’s brand identity will deliver the mood and tone of your brand and have a large impact on consumer behavior.
Every color evokes a different emotion and represents a new idea. Researching colors to determine their meaning will help produce a transparent personality and a unique connection with your customer and influence consumer behavior.
The Meaning of Color
It’s important to consider the psychology of color when determining colors for your brand identity. Start by evaluating what you want consumers to feel when they think about your brand, and consider what colors evoke the same emotions.
Red is often associated with passion or anger and this can be used to build excitement in a consumer.
Yellow produces optimism in those who view it. It is related to the sun and warmth. Yellow can help a brand communicate the positive nature and harmony of their business.
Greens are used in order to show the freshness and growth of a brand. It is often attributed to all-natural ingredients or eco-friendliness. A darker color of green can be used to symbolize wealth and money.
Blue is often used in brand identity to show stability of a business. Lighter blues represent openness and play into the emotions of a view by provoking serenity.
When choosing colors for your brand identity, also make sure you have researched the color wheel, along with the difference between the primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. Knowledge of tint, shade, tone, and hue are also important to be familiar with. These details will help create a color palette that represents your brand, evokes the correct emotion in your customers, and looks aesthetically pleasing and recognizable.
Establish Your Color Palette
Primary Colors
Your business’s primary color, also known as the core color, is the one most associated with your brand. For your primary color, look for a single color that best embodies your business based on color meanings. Experiment with different shades and tints of the color you have in mind, in order to find the perfect look.
Secondary Colors
Once you’ve chosen your primary color, it’s important to pick two to four colors to go along with it, also known as secondary colors. These colors will compliment your primary one, and can appear next to it or independently. A brand’s secondary colors can be close variants of the primary color, different shades and tints of the primary colors, complementary colors, or a selection of colorful and equally-vibrant hues. Make sure that your secondary colors also represent your business and will evoke the desired emotion from your consumers.
Accent Colors
Accent colors are secondary colors that are featured with your primary color. The primary color is still the dominant color, but the accent color is used in combination to draw attention. The accent color(s) can be chosen from within the brand identity’s secondary colors, or can be picked on its own.
Elements of Color
Brand colors need to be harmonious so that they are recognizable to customers. There is a strong relationship between consumer behavior and brand color, which is why it’s so important to invest time to choose the correct colors to represent your business.
Different colors have various meanings and evoke a range of emotions. Once you have researched the color wheel and increased your knowledge of your primary and secondary colors, you can examine the non-artistic elements to consider when choosing a color scheme.
The message to be conveyed should be known to the business owners. It should reveal the type of business and the message needs to be matched in a color shade that is appropriate.
Color scheme represents the business and allows customers to recognize the brand. So, maintaining the consistency of brand colors is mandatory to strengthen the brand identity. It helps a brand to rise and stand out amidst the tough competition in the market and industry. Uniformity gains loyalty, trust, and assurance from your customers.
Target Market
Business owners must know the market they need to target. It is essential for the growth of your business. Once you know your target market, you can examine a color scheme that will resonate with them and connect them to your business. As a business owner, your understanding of your target market is essential to choose the appropriate color palette and promote the need.
Impact on Conversions
Establishing a brand identity is essential for a business to become recognizable and attract customers to convert to sales. In order for a brand to be noticeable, you must choose a color palette that represents the business and has an effect on consumer behavior.
Color is a form of non-verbal communication that has the ability to affect a consumer’s emotions. By choosing the appropriate colors this could have an underlying effect on consumer’s behavior. Color even has the power to evoke an action and lead to sales.
Do not underestimate the power of colors and their importance in brand identity. There is plenty of research and evidence of color having a deep connection to human behavior. The color palette chosen for your brand identity will represent your business in the long run.
By tying the overview of colors into your brand identity your business will be able to visually convey your value to customers. Asking yourself what your brand values are and what emotions you want your product or goods to evoke will allow you to correlate them to a suitable shade to represent that. This will create a consistent brand image that is recognizable to customers and lead to conversions.
Still confused about brand identity? Not sure about what colors best fit your brand? Set up a complimentary consultation call to discuss working with Zoe Frantz Designs on your brand identity!